Sunday, January 31, 2010
she did sound different and more - well - out of breath with the contractions. I want to say that "doulas" type them out as ctx. It took me forever to figure that one out. I was googling something.
Let me say that I used to be the queen of natural and organic(still am if it's available - hate synthetic or whatever is opposite of organic) but with the birth thing. 29 years ago - natural all the way - I was natural when natural wasn't cool. Really!!!! Ask my family - but doulas and midwives - well - they have their place when things are going by the book - I guess - I hate to make such bold statements - I'm just all for, now, nurses, doctors, epidurals - I've been through 8 birth experiences - with all of the aforementioned - well - not a doula - but, I hear their statements. I know they have their place - but I want to say that a good nurse makes the BEST doula and midwife. Really!!!!! And we've had some great nurses, 2 of which saved Ann's life, literally - I mean it...literally!. Well - when she was being born - a midwife almost ended hers and Ellie's. Well - maybe that's a bit dramatic - but it felt like it could happen.
Back to LB - it felt like this was the night she would go to the hospital - I could tell by her shortness of breath - but later it calmed down - she sounded like a lady who isn't in labor at all. Crazy Prodromal Labor. Still - we've sent Kate to McDonough from Auburn - Kate doesn't have classes tomorrow at all. We'll see what we do tomorrow. Who knows.
anyway - what was a rather controlled Sunday - well, not that controlled - but still - it all turned a bit topsy turvy - and I'm at home, not at the first missions thing we're having at church - Charlie's there. I have Andrew - Ann calls a lot getting updates. We'll see what happens.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, Not Snowed or Iced In, and John Moore Threatening to Be Born
Laura Beth called concerned that we were all iced in or snowed in. I told her we were not - and then, I asked why -
Her body continues to try to be in labor - I think she is in labor. - hers is just not the typical way - and even last night she gave me a name for her "type" of labor - it has a name - Ann told her about it, she googled it - and it describes her perfectly.
In this household, last night, the two phones were by my bed, ready to be answered - in case Scott and Laura Beth were off the hospital.
6:00 woke me and I knew I hadn't heard from McDonough.
So - cold Saturday - and back out to the Studio - and probably doing some packing because I think this whole thing could "go down" at anytime.
It's like the Little Engine that Could. Chuggin up that hill, slowly, slowly....
"Then she said, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can." And she hitched herself to the little train.
She tugged and pulled and pulled and tugged and slowly, slowly, slowly they started off..
Puff, puff, chug, chug, went the Little Blue Engine. "I think I can - I think I can - I think I can - I think I can - I think I can -
Up, up, up. Faster and faster and faster and faster the little engine climbed, until at last they reached the top of the mountain.
Down in the valley lay the city. "Hurray, hurray," cried the funny little clown and all the dolls and toys.
And so it will be with Laura Beth's body which seems to be saying this week, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can", and before we know it her system will have reached that hilltop and boom - we will be high tailing it to Atlanta - and Ada, for one, will be saying, "Hurray, hurray!" because that's what she says, anyway, but we will all be saying "Hurray!"
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Time to Post
It looks like John Moore has given us a little more time to finish the things we all need to finish before he's born into this world.
I'm working on that today and am organizing my art studio, since I painted it in October, so that I can move out there and work without disturbing the house so much.
Monday is Ann's birthday. She'll be 29 - the age I was when I had her. This is the weekend that I went crazy 29 years ago. I went to the doctor on the Friday before Sunday - nothing was going on in my body and her due date had been January 16. These days people get induced - but not then - just waiting around. Anyway - I remember hitting a brick wall(not literally) on that Friday night, a mental and emotional brick wall, and determined that on Saturday I would walk until I went into labor. I did walk but not until I went into labor - it was until I had to go in to the bathroom - I did that, lay down to take a nap and felt the first twitches of labor. That's all they were, twitches. But anyway - 29 years have sped by like a rocket and here we are and I'm waiting on John Moore to be delivered into this world. Crazy stuff. It all goes by in a blink. It really does.
I am also reading a book by Frederick Douglass - My Bondage and My Freedom. It is unbelievable and he was so brilliant and such a Christian - knowing God's word so well -
Not a good post - but I have to keep it moving - this "blog"...if I'm going to maintain it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Where My Thoughts Are
The approaching birth of a baby is so exciting and noone ever knows how the whole thing is going to "go down". Especially with someone who actually "goes into labor". My body didn't do that - and poor Ann has inherited the same hormone or gene or whatever - Anyway - Laura Beth not only goes into labor, but does it in a different sort of way - I guess everyone does it differently - a little bit - and Laura Beth cranks it up early.
In the meantime I'm working on some artwork for John's room - a little late in the game for that - but - he won't know the difference if it isn't finished before he's born.
I've learned from Sarah how to make panels and yesterday I bought paint at Home Depot. It's all fun and stimulating - Sarah continues to recover - surely today she'll be better unless this things goes into something secondary - like a sinus infection - which she has a tendency to do that -
I get my hair cut today in Huntsville - I'm going to tell him to cut an extra amount off as I am about to help my daughter with her new baby - not much time for any length of hair.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Didn't Go Like We Planned
So much for the movie with Sarah on her birthday -
except that.... Ann was pretty fired up about the outing.
She already had Steve lined up to keep the kids
She and I did the whole thing anyway -
but it turned it into a dinner at P.F. Chang's, instead.
Not a movie.
Today I ran into all the Barbers at Wal-Mart
and Luke just couldn't handle not going home with me.
He would sob at the thought of it, saying, "But Near, I'll miss you".
So Luke came home with me.
That's all for this Monday.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy Birthday, Sarah!
Seeing her up close
and getting to touch
that sweet soft skin.
Ann's 5th Birthday Party the following Saturday
Please have kind thoughts
My three girls and halfway to Sarah's 1st Birthday
And she turned one year.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the Camera!
Still taking pictures over in the right corner.
and it's the family - only older and more of us.
And loving her coffee.
Happy Birthday.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Birthday Season
I went to the doctor in the spring of 1980 - home pregnancy tests weren't a common thing at that time - and waited by the phone the next day, for the results. The nurse called me and I can still hear her voice and how she said it - I was so nervous, sitting on the couch - by myself - eating popcorn so hard and fast. It was definitely nervous emotional eating - I had popcorn salt and grease all over my fingers as I answered the phone.
"Mrs. Rhodes?" Yes? "Congratulations! You're going to have a baby! ummmm, Let's see - it will be due January 16".
I don't remember what we said after that - and so it began - I was shaking and couldn't believe it. Charlie hadn't even gotten home from work yet - no cell phones - I just waited. He knew I'd gone to the doctor, but I didn't even tell him why - I'm so weird about stuff like that. But he'd guessed it and wasn't surprised when he came in and I told him.
And so began our official season of winter birthdays - because it was a big deal that she was due on Mary Ann's birthday - only she didn't come until February 1. They didn't induce in those days, either.
By the time I thought I might be pregnant with Laura Beth, I did take a home pregnancy test. I looked at Ann, who was only 9 months old, sitting on my hip as I read the thing, and I said, "Well, Ann, you're going to be a big sister!". That was between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 1981 when I discovered that information.
My nerves and emotions and hormones - well - they took a beating during that period - my two "precious" little girls who were 18 months apart - and - parenting under those circumstances is not for the faint of heart. My hat goes off to folks who have them less than that - 16 months and 12 months. I'm 58 and I still moan when I hear of someone having them that close. My husband, Charlie, is ONLY 11 months younger than his sister. And he is the youngest of 4 siblings!
Anyway - I waited - well - we waited - and in the spring of 85, I was pregnant with Sarah. I didn't yet know it was Sarah and I also did NOT want to have another February birthday child - so the plan had been to be pregnant the next month - so her birthday would be in March. I don't know what happened. Something happened. Boom - a month earlier than planned, I was pregnant.
So - here it is January 23rd, 2010 and tomorrow is Sarah's birthday. With C-Sections we get to pick the date. My doctor would give me a date and tell me I could pick any time, a week prior and a week later. He named February 1 as the central date and then to pick around that. I didn't want for this baby and Ann to have to share a birthday - the whole "unique" thing - so I picked exactly a week earlier - to get them as far apart as possible. That's how it became January 24th - Sarah's birthday.
Sarah was born on January 24th, I came home from the hospital 6 days later and the next day was Ann's birthday party at Pizza Hut. I planned the whole thing before going to the hospital. Of course Charlie was the biggest player in that day's events as far as moving about during the party. I sat in one of the booths a whole lot.
Another thing I remember about January 22, 1986 - because then, we were checked into the hospital the day before the birth. I had a meeting of ladies at my house - to plan a conference at Calvary Baptist Church - which would be held in the spring. I knew with a new infant in tow I couldn't do much planning for a couple of months - so I had to set up the committees before going to the hospital. I know that Mary Bratton and Janice McGee were there - and several others, but what stands out about that day - I found out Mary was pregnant with Beth. Sure enough, Beth was born in September on the 24th! Janice had just had Will McGee in October - so he was only 3 months old.
It's 24 years later, Beth is getting married in May - and several of us are having a party for her in March - and again, I'm doing the preliminary planning with several ladies, because I have a grandbaby due on February 10. Again, I know that the month of February will be taken up with new baby stuff. Crazy de ja vue situation.
Life goes around and around and around.....
Exactly two years later, after Sarah was born, I was due to have Kate, my 4th. I stretched Kate's birthday 2 weeks after Ann's which would be February 14th - Valentine's Day - and I didn't want her to have to share that day with VDay - so I picked February 15th. So - we were all on a sugar high all those years in January and February and had to come off of it after the 15th.
I wanted 6 children. I still want to have had 6 children. But - it was my 4th C-Section and I was 36 about to be 37. I loved being pregnant and I loved having babies. It just worked for me. I know that for some women pregnancy is so uncomfortable. That's unfortunate. I did NOT love having C-Sections. That was not in my plan. I really enjoy having the grown children - the big family - I wasn't always a nice mommy. I wish that I had been - and with daughters - well - I've managed to "screw with their heads" a bit - not intentionally - but - alas - we have worked through a lot of it - I guess sons just don't worry about it and move on - unless they have "stuff" regarding their dads. It's that gender thing. Anyway - I am so so so so so so so grateful that inspite of my human error, my girls, who I've really really really loved (almost to a fault) have been blessed by God and He's pursued them and they all have been redeemed, regenerated into a growing love for Him - Their hearts are His. That's the only thing that matters in this world. Isn't it? That's all I want - and now I want it for Ellie, Luke, Ada, Andrew, John, and any other little bits who are tucked away, waiting to be born into this family. I prayed for my children before I was even married - before I knew who I would marry. I did. I'd forgotten that until just now. I did. It used to be fresh in my mind - because I prayed fervently for each of my children during my marriage - before each one was conceived. I did that so much and it was so important to me. It's an eternal matter - issue that is thought out in the heavenly realms - is it not? "All of our ordained days were written in His book before one of them came to be." David says that of himself in Psalm 139 - so it has to be so for us, also.
Anyway - I didn't just "decide" on my own not to have anymore C-Sections or that I couldn't have children after I reached the age of 36 - but we weighed everything and prayed about it all and my doctor I think thought I was crazy to have 4 - He wasn't at all about it - I think most everyone thought I was a bit extravagant and wreckless to have 4. It wasn't a popular choice then - Stopping at 4 seemed like the way God was leading us - but I grieved after that. I had myself "fixed" during that last C-Section. That was tough.
Hopefully the body of Christ is beginning to move in the other direction - that children are indeed a blessing - a gift and not an inconvenience - we have lived such calculated, extravagant, selfish lives in this world for so long - and we are so cocooned that Mothers are rather alone in the nurturing of their children. But I'm not gonna get into all of that.
It's Birthday season in the Rhodes' home. Fortunately my sons in law have a May and an August birthday. Actually August is beginning quite a collection of birthdays - LB, Ada, Scott and then Luke is September. Ellie and Steve are April and May. I guess if we have enough people we'll pretty much cover up all the months. But this new little Moore baby is due right in the middle of our traditional Birthday season. He's joining the original cluster.
I have a special birthday post of pictures for tomorrow on Sarah's birthday. :-)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
January Rain
Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
When Frost was spectre-gray,
And Winter's dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day.
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted nigh
Had sought their household fires.
The land's sharp features seemed to be
The Century's corpse outleant,
His crypt the cloudy canopy,
The wind his death-lament.
The ancient pulse of germ and birth
Was shrunken hard and dry,
And every spirit upon earth
Seemed fervourless as I.
At once a voice arose among
The bleak twigs overhead
In a full-hearted evensong
Of joy illimited;
An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,
In blast-beruffled plume,
Had chosen thus to fling his soul
Upon the growing gloom.
So little cause for carolings
Of such ecstatic sound
Was written on terrestrial things
Afar or nigh around,
That I could think there trembled through
His happy good-night air
Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew
And I was unaware.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Book to Read
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Old Wallets
So I brought them home for a "remembering" post.
Along with his license.
So I went to Mother's to see what her pictures were.
The one of Daddy changed over the years.
If you can see in the above picture it's Daddy and he is sitting having a conversation with someone, engaged in conversation. I think Mother probably liked this one because the first thing that the Alzheimer's disease took from his mind was the ability to talk. Not all at once, but words began to fail him - so that at the end, for a couple of years - he said nothing.
Also stuck behind this picture is the date he died.
August 8, 1993, in Mother's handwriting.
So - that was a sign of her aging and I find those little scribbles in several places throughout her "things". The date he died. Not when he was born, not when they married, but the day he left - to go home to his eternal home - the real one.
and her license.
Next, below, is a picture Mother did carry in her wallet for years - it's of Daddy kissing Ann's hand as he left for Church. Mary Ann is holding her. I know this occasion. Charlie and I were at the beach and they were keeping Ann for us. I guess Mom just opted to stay home from church that day rather than take Ann to the nursery. Daddy couldn't miss for anything. He was the choir director and there was Sunday School in the Men's Class. I don't think he was teaching that class.
It's such a Sunday Morning picture of Daddy.
And it shows his gentlemanlike nature and mannerisms.
Ann was 4 - 5 months.
So - as Daddy was then, with his wallet in his back pocket, if we had asked to see those pictures of Mom,
here is what he would have shown us.
Not updated at all,
but still his earliest memories of her.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Everybody Returned Safely
Buzz LightYear has returned.
Another thing I like to do is buy inexpensive chicken, when it's on sale, and take the time to cook quite a bit of it. The clean up is a bummer - all that chicken, all those bones - and I prefer to take advantage and season the water really good with onion and celery and garlic and salt and sage - and then take the time to strain the broth and let it cool so that any fat hardens so that it can be skimmed off. It's a project. I really don't ever look forward to it - but so glad to have that broth and that chicken in the freezer. Here is the best and easiest recipe if chicken is already available.
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Babies and Year Old Babies
I have been following the birth of Lottie Messersmith on my daughter's facebook spot - and I did follow the birth of Jack Forman on my daughter's facebook spot. He is in Thailand/China. It's all incredibly exciting to imagine the emotions and situations of everyone. There is nothing clean and neat about any baby coming into the world. Not even the easiest of births. But it is all incredibly exciting and lifechanging.
Andrew has had a bit of a rough day, with his cold - but he's doing pretty good at present. I talked his Dad into letting him spend the night here tonight - I can rock him all during those"stuffy" moments during the night.
Anyway - anyone who reads this - congrats to new babies - gotta love it and also it's not that simple - but still.....
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Snow Cool
And this little guy is at my house
He'll stay with Steve tonight
and be back in the morning.
End of Post.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Last Week
The Home Ec Bldg
And what I thought was a beautiful interior
Just inside the door to the Jr High Hall.
and these are the windows outside that same classroom I keep talking about.