Sunday, December 7, 2008

Merry Christmas, So Far.

Today is Sunday. P.M. 4:11

I thought I would have posted about Ellie and me making Gingerbread Cookies and Houses and Men and everything else you can do with Gingerbread dough. I was planning to take pictures. It was going to be the best post. Anyone who reads this would have loved the pictures and warmed to the thought of someday doing that with your grandchildren.

Here's how it really went.

Ann called me early Friday morning. Diana and Wayne had left for their flight back to Albuquerque. Ann had gotten a text saying that her close friend from college days was going to the hospital (2 weeks early) to have her baby. Kelly's water had broken. She wanted to be there. I would have Ellie and Luke for the afternoon, Steven would have Luke for the night. I knew that Ellie was coming off of her "time with Diana" whom she loves to the core - so I didn't think I would be enough to get past her mom plus Diana - I planned Gingerbread Cookies and Houses and whatever else one can do with the dough -

Ann arrived with Ellie and Luke midday. Luke was great. Ellie was great. Ellie wanted to play presents. Ellie's most recent pretend game is "Presents". That means that I walk upstairs, bring down a bag of recycled, very used wrapping paper and ribbon. We did this right after Thanksgiving. It's become her favorite play thing. So, Ellie did that whole thing for a while. I tear off snippets of scotch tape for her to access. She wraps, I tie ribbon for her. She loves it. Luke is good with whatever. He's all over the map. Trucks, Little people, food, candy, cartoons - whatever. Also, I'm doing other stuff, adult, around the house stuff.

So, they needed to nap. Luke's easy. Not a problem. Nap. Sleep. Wake Up.
Ellie HATES naps and bedtime. She hates it. She fights it. So, Ellie down for a nap with promises of Gingerbread Cookies - we can do it. 1 hour. Quiet. NEAR!!!!! (that's my name, Near.) 45 min. later - after crying, screaming, yelling - I go to her. The nap is not going to take place.

I brought her down, but told her we could not "play presents" anymore that evening - because of her disobedience. AWWWWWW! I hate that - but it was the worst thing I could take from her. Luke woke later, and Steve came around 5:30 for Luke. We all ate the Taco Soup Ann had made and left at my house. Charlie had a banquet to attend. So, Steve left with Luke, Ellie and I hung out, after her bath, a bit, and went to bed shortly after Charlie came home. We both got a good night's sleep.

In the morning...

Ellie had that precious morning, sleepy face. I had cinnamon rolls(packaged) for her - bacon and eggs for Charlie who had TWO county parades to ride in!!!!, which meant bacon and eggs for Ellie and me, too. Let me say that I am not that wife who cooks breakfast for her husband. I don't do that. He's on his own. We're both adults, we can find something to eat. I do. But, he had the two parades - it was a cold day - I guess God did something in my heart and I prepared a breakfast for him.

THE FIRST THING that Ellie wanted to do, now that consequences were lifted, was "play presents". I offered Gingerbread cookie making - but she preferred "playing Presents". I underscored the cookie thing, emphasized it, but she wanted to "play presents". I thought, "Well, whatever. I've offered the Grandmother/Cookie Experience - but if you want to play
'Presents' ".

So, that is what she did most of the morning. She never tired of playing it. No pictures this post. Well, except for the two I retrieved from Ann's camera, below. Steve brought Luke back over midmorning. Ann was having a hard time getting away from Birmingham. At noon Steve came to take both Luke and Ellie to lunch, but Ellie chose staying with me. Steve took Luke home to nap, after bring Ellie food from McDonald's. Around 2 I carried Ellie, with arched back, up to the bedroom for a nap, she was screaming. I laid down with her. We both fell asleep, and Ann woke me when she arrived.

Ann and I visited until Ellie awakened.

Today is Sunday, I have no cool Christmas Pictures - I have decorated the house, partially, this afternoon - and I MIGHT have pictures tomorrow.

I'll tell you this. I am not stressed at this point about Christmas, and that's a good thing. I am enjoying December, so far.

Right now I'm leaving to go to Ann's to watch Classic Christmas Movies I bought at Wal-Mart, with Ellie and Luke. I can't wait!!! Gotta Go!!

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