All during Christmas I didn't post my diary entries - there was a reason.
Because there weren't many - I was getting older and less interested - it was the year I got my Chatty Baby and really shouldn't have. I had begun to outgrow dolls and diaries. Sad - because journaling is for every age - hence this posting I do. I looked to see what entries I posted in December of 1962. I was 11 and I was in the 6th grade. I always was one of the younger ones in my class - not turning the designated age until July 14th. There are a few interesting items I'll talk, here goes....
Sunday December 16, 1962: Dear Diary, Went to Sunday School and Church.
Monday December 17, 1962: Dear Diary, went to band.
Tuesday December 18, 1962: Dear Diary, We had Christmas Play
Wednesday December 19, 1962: Same old school day
Thursday December 20, 1962: Had a Christmas Party at school
No Entry Friday and Saturday
Sunday December 23, 1962: Went to play with Marilyn Mason.
Monday December 24, 1962: Made gingerbread cookies. Went visiting. Halbert came.
Tuesday December 25, 1962: Dear Diary, I got a Chatty baby, Jon Gnagy drawing kit, purse, gloves, nylon robe(red), nightgown, slip, jigsaw puzzle.
Wednesday December 26, 1962: Dear Diary, went to the show "Lady and the Tramp"
& "Almost Angels"
Thursday December 27, 1962: Dear Diary, Played with Jane. We played dolls.
Friday December 28, 1962: Dear Diary, Spent the day with Jeannie Knox
Saturday December 29, 1962: Dear Diary, Spent the day and night with Rachel.
Mary Ann too.
Sunday December 30, 1962: Dear Diary, Went to Sunday School and Church with Rachel. Mary Ann, too!
Monday December 31, 1962: Went to the show, "The Music Man".
Tuesday January 1, 1963: Dear Diary, ate dinner with Ella
So, there are a few entries into 1963, but they thin out. I'll do the January ones later.
I just want to say something about the entry on December 23. It says I played with Marilyn Mason.
Marilyn and I go so far back - to the Nursery at the Evergreen Methodist Church. We both grew up in that church. I've written about her. We went to Camp Grandview together, to Blue Lake Camp together - we were together 1st - 12th grades. Our childhood was a bit closer than our teen years. We were majorettes together - but still - teen years began to separate us. It's hard to be too distant in high school in Evergreen, AL - It's not big.
Let me just say that until this summer, in July, I had not talked with her in about 25 or 26 years. I called her in July after receiving the tragic news that a mutual high school friend had had a child killed in a car accident. On that day I talked with 3 former high school friends with whom I hadn't spoken in many years. Those phone conversations were quite the reunion.
Here it is December - I sent Christmas Cards....late. I don't normally send one to Marilyn, but I did, having spoken with her in July. So - she surprised me with a phone call on the night of December 22nd. That's my point. In my diary I played with her on December 23(Charlie's birthday - wonder what he was doing in 1962) - fast forward, to December 22, 2008 - and she calls me to thank me for the card and tell me how she loved the picture I sent and to restate that she so enjoyed our conversation in July. I did too. She said what I felt - that after all those years - we still felt like those little girls on the inside.
Mother always said that - in her 80's - she still felt the same inside.
Notice that I made Gingerbread cookies - on Christmas Eve in 1962 - I guarantee it's that same recipe that I've already posted about. It's all we knew.
Also, I have no recollection of that Saturday night spent at my cousin Rachel's house, also Mary Ann. And going to church with her. That was highly unusual. Mom and Dad must have prearranged that - I can't imagine where they were. Grandmother had died that fall - Halbert(my bachelor uncle, brother to Daddy) had already visited us on Christmas Eve. I think he spent the night with us - which probably wasn't too enjoyable for him. He was such a bachelor and not accustomed to mine and Mary Ann's silliness. I have no idea where Mother and Daddy were, unless we just did that for the fun of it. But knowing our folks, they wouldn't have allowed that on a Saturday night with Church the next day. Wonder where Ella and Elbert were, whose house was on the same property. I'm very curious.
Those movies - that's what we did - went to the movies - The Picture Show - The Pix Theatre -
Great Memories.
I remember those movies.
I have to say that I specifically remember that Christmas day - my favorite thing was the Red Nylon Robe I received. If anyone knows me at all, I am rather plain. I don't wear a lot of jewelry. I look for excuses not to wear makeup - the less I have to do to my hair, the better. Some of my favorite outfits are sweatshirts I bought at Wal-Mart several years ago and elastic waisted pants I bought at JC Penney 5 years ago. But what noone knows is there is this very loud, gaudy fussy lady on the inside, somewhere in there. She's not dominant, but she's there. As a child I loved to wear very loud red lipstick - I still fantasize about red dresses - like the one Scarlet wore in Gone with the Wind on her very scorned evening. I played constantly in Mother's costume jewlery, if she let me - the more dangly, the better. I dreamed of Velvet and Fur and Satin and anything shimmery and really almost tacky.
That Red Robe which was very lacy and shimmery was what I loved. I was thrilled to have it. Mother knew me well. I hadn't even asked for it. I don't know where she got it.
That morning, when we were off to Ella and Elbert's for more Christmas with extended family, I have a vivid image in my brain of packing that robe, along with other gifts from Santa, in my Chatty Baby Box, to take over to Ella's - and I have another image in my brain of swooping that robe out to show my cousins. How mindless was I?????? I do recall that noone seemed quite as impressed with it as I was.
So... that is all I have to say about those diary entries.
I'll go ahead and post this - although I just posted yesterday - and already this morning.
I am alone in the house.
Sarah and Kate are taking Rachel Slay on a tour of Scottsboro.
Ann, Ellie and Luke are at their house.
Charlie is at the church cleaning.
I'm here alone.