Thursday, October 29, 2009

Really Quick on Thursday

I have two seconds to post something....

Have to leave for Huntsville to get my hair cut, but I wanted to move away from the 1979 wedding theme.

I have been playing with my camera and have taken a few "experimental" pictures - soon I can be posting more pictures of what my stories are about.

This will be my 3rd trip to Huntsville this week. Monday I went to the gyn. Yesterday I had to go to my "gum specialist" - a periodontist - and today a hair cut. ahhhhh...will be glad to not be going down Hwy. 72 for a while.

Big weekend - only I think bad weather is in the forecast and I get really nervous if loved ones or anyone is on the road during bad weather. I hate it myself.

Today is good weather wise and my sister is coming up. Saturday Laura Beth, Ada, Sarah, and Kate are supposed to be traveling to Scottsboro - but I've warned them about the weather. Sarah might come today. LB and Ada - well, I haven't heard back - and Kate has something she really wants to attend on Friday night in Auburn - so - I don't know.

I should have lots of subject matter for taking pictures. Grandchildren!

I'm going to close now. Hope to post in a better fashion later - but my music has changed back to those Hymns I love. I love them all - old Hymns with great theology in them - but I can't put the whole Hymn book on my playlist. :-)

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