Before It's 2011???
I'm 59. In 2011 I'll turn 60. I don't give adamant old age advice, almost never. I give suggestions. Hints, ideas about what I've done. If I've done anything correctly it's by accident or genetics or by God's Amazing Grace. I know this. You keep giving it all back to Him if you trust Him. If you've been "born again". I don't know what you do if you haven't been given life by the Creator of the Universe and Stars and Heavens and all that is in your sight. I guess you muster up all that you have left and pull yourself up by the bootstraps, as they say, and "do your best". My best failed me a long time ago. I don't even remember what my best was. I think I thought I had a lot of "my best" and it didn't work out for me.
Anyway ..... if you are a believer, seriously, are you regarding January 1, 2011 as a day to start over? Do better? I mean, it's tempting - to think it's some starting line. Your starting line was the day you laid down your life.....and gave it to Him. There is no magic, no power in January 1, 2011.
I mean, it is a new start in terms of Christmas being over - back to normal - continue to look to Him - for discipline - for shaping - for molding - for normal. It's a great reminder to "give it all to Him". The "oh yeah, I want Him to have my life instead of myself having my life". or.... "I want Him to make me into the someone He wants me to be".
It's like every Monday of our lives. Weekends get "different". I like Mondays. Mondays "reset" the week. Back to order.
Think of January 1, 2011 as a great big huge MONDAY. All we need say is, "What Lord?" What will you do? What will you shape? What will you change? What will you have me be or have me say yes to or have me surrender? What idols are in my life? What things need to go?
Are you a believer? 2011 belongs to Him. It's His business. Every single day of each of our lives is the first day of the rest of our life. Every second of every moment of our lives is the first new second of every time segment of the rest of our lives.
Jesus LOVES YOU. Are you His?
P.S. If this doesn't convince you, go Here, to this post on this blog and read this lady's post written after her very beautiful home burned to the ground on an evening in the week leading up to Christmas. If you want Him to have all of you, He will. He'll say yes to your request. Whatever it takes. I love this post. She's a solid, surrendered believer. She blessed lives before this tragedy. I'd just gotten to know her through her blog. Yet, God does things in lives which we can't understand. All to His Glory.