Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Generic Post

Tuesday, before folks begin arriving on Friday.
Let me remind folks.
Sarah and Kate are at Auburn.
They both travel home on Friday.
Remember what that felt like? I do. I loved it!!! It also means that Ann and Ellie and Luke get some "young blood" in the mix. Steve too - but that's different because he's out in the workplace and it's just different for the husband/daddy - I guess. Maybe not.
Anyway, now that Ann and Steve are in their new house - it's a great "getaway" for any people under the age of whatever age Charlie and I are - 55 and 57 - That would be Sarah, Kate, Laura Beth...and Scott will be coming home for Thanksgiving with LB and Ada.
It works for everybody - but I do like to "get things in order". I always have. Get things clean, clean sheets, layer of dust removed, pick up clutter, etc. Get the right foods. So that stresses me a bit - noone's fault - it's just the way I'm wired.
Yesterday, Ann called and said, "you're right." (and I didn't know what she was going to say - had no idea) What she meant was - I had assumed she would not want to have the "MEAL" at her house - being pregnant - 2 small children - just recently moved in - so many reasons - but she really really wanted to - and yesterday she conceded. But it's just because she's in her 3rd trimester and on a normal day her back gives out and she feels tired - so preparing for Thanksgiving with company - she put it back at my house. So - here we are.
Today I rode with Ann and Luke(Lukie) to H'ville. If you read her blog she and LB are into that whole coupon thing. Unlike myself who has absolutely driven my husband nuts with my extravagant grocery shopping - It's been the trial of his life - but - he continues to love me and has learned to be nice to me even on days when I write checks bigger than I should. So - Ann needed to get in on some deals at Publix and I needed to check out Williams Sonoma and Pottery Barn. Needed to??? Wanted to. :-) Also, we both "needed" to go to Hobby Lobby(Luke called it Hobby Bobby) - to see their fabric in an effort to save money by "making stockings" instead of buying them from the Pottery Barn Catalog.
Well - we did a day at Huntsville. Steve picked up Ellie at school. Luke is upstairs napping - still not wanting his daddy to leave him, ever, after going to Greece. So - Steve will pick him up when he leaves his office. We bribed him to bed by saying he could sleep with his baseball and some other ball. He was good with it. Ann and Ellie are at home - I'm here going over the little tidbits I picked up at WSonoma - for T'giving. I got ideas for Table Settings at Pottery Barn....and purchased a not very expensive metal pumpkin for my T'giving Centerpiece. I also got quilted fabric to make a "silence cloth" for my large dining table. FINALLY!! I have mother's but it is a tad too small for my table. I have her round one that fits my round table perfectly - since my round table belonged to her. I have always needed a good fitting silence cloth for my DT.
Enough of that.
It's Tuesday.
I've been to H'ville.
I'm home and wanting to update my blog with not much time to select a thing I "like to remember". I'm very much in the present, most of the time - and things that happen now, take me back to things that happened then. I see the faces of folks who went before me - and I begin to understand better how they really felt or what they really experienced. I was a kid and they were the grownups. I didn't understand anything about their life as a parent or a grandparent and what that felt like.
time lapse....
And now it's later - the phone rang - it was Kate returning my call - and after many minutes we hung up - and Steve called to say he was coming by to get Luke, who was upstairs snoozing - which I had completely forgotten! It was 5:00. Dark outside - and I ran up to wake that angel. They're gone now - and that's all for this Tuesday - except that I want to say I am looking forward to tonight's episode of "Biggest Loser". We love that show!
It is 5:43 on Tuesday November 18, 2008


LB said...

I laughed out loud at Luke calling it "Hobby Bobby." I can just hear him saying it, so funny!! And I am excited to see the Thanksgiving centerpiece.

Hollen said...

That is really funny that Luke called Hobby Lobby "Hobby Bobby"- I would have laughed out loud but I didn't feel like explaining to my family why I was laughing as they are in a different room. LOL I too can hear Luke saying this! :) My mom likes that show! :) It is cool.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog along with Ann's and Laura Beth's. Ann's reminds me of the days when my kids were younger!!!!
Keep up the wonderful work.

Anonymous said...

That's me Anonymous--(Susan Hicks) I couldn't figure out how to sign this crazy thing!!!! My new email is dashicks@scottsboro.org